
Alone time for an introvert

Well having the kids and my husband home all day every day means i get zero alone time. I am an introvert. This means I need to be alone a lot. I need time to recharge my batteries. I need quiet time. I can’t listen to chatter all day long. It drains me. So far lock down has drained me. I am constantly watched, constantly followed, constantly talked to. Even the simplest thing like brushing my hair attracts an audience. And if you know me, you know brushing my hair takes an hour because I really only brush my hair once a week and so my hair gets tangled up and I look like Hagrid. Whatever! Judge me at your own peril. Personal maintenance is out the window right now. but I’ll write about that mess in a different post on a different day. Back to alone time. I get none. It is depressing me. Most mothers I know are really familiar with their kids following them to the bathroom and so are used to getting no privacy. But there is usually some relief because the kids are either at school or nursery or we are at work. But now ? Nothing. Nothing is sacred. And to make matters worse, we have our partners staring right at us. Encroaching on our personal space, commenting on the Hagrid hair. Pointing out that all we wear is gym kit and we don’t even work out (I like the elasticated waistband. Is that such a crime?) Not only that – but they suddenly see what we do all day. They see that we watch reruns of cookery shows and Big Bang theory. That we secretly watch the same rubbish movie on Netflix over and over again because it’s all our tired, frazzled brains can handle. but on the flip side – we also see what they do all day long. And it is hilarious. They also get no privacy and they also have to deal with the kids all day long. There is no where for them to escape to and it is brilliant. So even though I am mildly entertained by the debacle of all day fathering, I am still craving some alone time. I have no where to escape to either. I am going to have to find a new secret hideout in my house. Maybe I can just hide under all the piles of dirty laundry that have started to accumulate everywhere.

Remember, if you like what you read, subscribe! That way you will never miss a post. I’ve cleaned my house so now I’m at a loose end for how to fill my day. Just kidding I still have to teach my kids improper calculus or something like that.