
Clutter clutter clutter

I have discovered the life changing power of tidying up. I always used to shy away from decluttering well because it’s horrible to do. It’s boring and it lays bare our shopaholic ( Shopping ) and hoarding tendencies (  Addiction; First World Problems). When you are in the thick of early childhood parenting ( Parenting) and building your career Working Mothers) and all the other obligations that come with adulthood ( Errand Paralysis), there is just no time left for anything else. There is no gas left in the tank and there is nothing left of us. We just live in the clutter because frankly it’s easier and who has the mental energy to undertake that mammoth task? Well lockdown gave us a bit of headspace from the constant running around and my kids are getting older. Parenting is still parenting but it’s not as intense as it used to be. Now I actually have a few moments of space and calm. I have temporarily suspended my normal routine for the summer so that I can focus on getting my house right. You know what they say right – clean house, clean mind. Well I think that’s true. So in order to get my mind in peak condition I have started decluttering my home and who better to guide me in this than Marie Kondo? And let me tell you, it has been life changing. Yes it’s time consuming. It’s not boring though. It is upsetting however to see just how much we have accumulated in our lives. And why ? Because we thought we needed it. But it turns out we don’t need as much as we think do. How upsetting to have our hoarding mentality and our vast empty consumerism brought to the fore. Well now that we know, we don’t need to make the same mistakes. I have Marie Kondo’d all my drawers and my goodness they are a thing of beauty now. I could look at them all day long. Now my drawers spark joy whereas before they sparked dread. It’s true. Tidying up is life changing.