I am a winter baby. Baby in the loosest sense of the word because I am actually ancient. So you would think I could tolerate the cold and the grey. But no alas. It turns out I hate winter. I sit with my SAD lamp as though my life depends on it and some days it feels like my life does depend on it. I take so much vitamin D I should have shares in Vitabiotics. My son is the same as me. In the winter you can see a visible change in his mood. My normally happy kid is a hot mess. It’s sad and a little bit annoying because I can’t justify my bad mood when he’s in a bad mood. It’s like let me have my crisis kid. Anyway, during the winter I know I should make sensible eating decisions. You know fresh vegetables and fruit. Good healthy food that will sustain and nourish me. And instead all I want to eat is toast and hot chocolate. i don’t want to cook. I want to get endless takeaways and eat in front of the tv while I watch bad Christmas movies. I made some lentils 3 nights ago. I still haven’t eaten them. I just look at them in the fridge all sad and lonely and think I’ll eat you tomorrow and instead I reach for the chocolate digestives. This is hardly good decision making. I don’t let my kids indulge though. They eat what I should be eating. They don’t even know that eating digestives for dinner is an option. Haha, suckers.