
We need to talk about Covid

Gosh where do I even start with the shit show that is Covid. What a disaster. Here we all were thinking that 2021 was going to be patently better than 2020 and we find ourselves back to home learning, back to lockdown, back to fear, back to basically surviving. But it’s all good right? Because we have the vaccine (! Yes! What a feat for science. What a feat for logic. What a feat for humanity. I am anxiously waiting for my parents and in-laws to get the vaccine and then the kids are basically moving in with their grandparents, while I move into a spa. Sounds good right? I can picture it now. Me, chilling pool side, sipping on what can only be described as pond water, with cucumbers on my eyes and living that good life.

I don’t care what the kids are doing Mom. I’m chilling at the spa. Later suckas.

Except….it’s not that simple is it? Somehow we find ourselves with all those pesky mutations of Covid. That just won’t leave us alone. The Kent variant, the South African variant. Who knows whether the vaccines will be effective against these variants ( And what other new variants will crop up. Covid is not going anywhere fast. It just refuses to leave us alone.

Yes, but can you just f*ck off already Covid? I am so tired of you.

I haven’t been to a supermarket in god knows how long so I have no idea what the broccoli situation is (Covid, Brexit, Panic and and and). Can we get broccoli? More importantly, can we get toilet paper? In other news, I bought a leather skirt yesterday (Shopping). It is just sitting there languishing. Waiting to be worn. Maybe I will wear it when I go and buy toiler paper next. If you see a crazy lady wearing a leather skirt over a pair of elasticated leggings, you know you’ve found me. Come and say hi. I will probably also have a tell tale bag of Doritos to keep me company (Big Fat Rain; Lockdown Stupid Weight Gain) As long as we can still get Doritos, then I don’t care what is happening in the world. Just kidding. I care very deeply. But only about Doritos.