Life is boring

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So it’s the summer holidays. Which means there is like zero chill. What? Zero chill. Yes. Zero chill. Because my kids are home. Which means that from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep, there is zero chill. And for some reason, my children have turned into feral animals who DON’T RESPECT BEDTIME. This is highly aggravating to me, because the second season of Never Have I Ever just dropped on Netflix and I just want to binge it. I need my Paxton fix. You know what I’m talking about you pervs. But look, you don’t need to feel that guilty about perving on him, because he’s actually 30 years old. So we’re not legit cougars, just semi cougars. Relieved right? Don’t know what I’m talking about? Drop everything you are doing right now and get onto Netflix and go and watch Never Have I Ever. Go and get your Paxton fix. I won’t tell. So anyway, aside from trying desperately to just binge watch Netflix, life has been pretty dull. As usual, I have these half baked thoughts on feminism, parenting, Covid that literally go nowhere. Every now and then I will let Chump into my inner world and share some thoughts with him and then just fall silent again. He looks at me a bit bewildered because what seem like profound thoughts to me are actually just thoughts. We went to York last week. It’s so beautiful there and we lucked out because we had that creepy heatwave that made the entire country miserable. But we were staying in a hotel, so we had air conditioning! Haha. What a victory. And we went to the seaside and actually enjoyed the freezing cold waters of the North Sea. Oh god, I’ve turned really truly British. Now I enjoy cold water. No more Indian ocean temperatures for me. See even this blog post is just a bit rambling and pointless. It’s because there is zero chill. The kids are at camp this week which is great because they love it, and I really just need some peace and quiet. But my day is punctuated by the pick ups and the drops offs, the gazillion loads of laundry, the general boringness of endless admin, the tyranny of what to cook for dinner again. Why does dinner just roll around everyday? Why can’t we just eat cereal everyday? Or toast? Anyway, now you see the mood I’m in. So with that my friends, I bid you all farewell. If I have a genuinely profound thought, I’ll come and share it, but for now, enjoy your summers and see you in September, when there might be some chill.

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